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Bay Art 2024 Registration Form

Thank you for entering Bay Art 2024 by using this online form.

Benefits of using this form are:

  • Payment is made easy with online payment as part of the registration process

  • Dropping off artwork is streamlined (you can even have someone else drop off your artwork!)

  • You make the Bay Art crew's job so much easier - thank you!

If you wish to enter using a paper entry form these will be available from:

  • Pohutukawa Gallery, Takaka

  • Takaka Memorial Library

Please tick the following conditions of entry.
I wish to volunteer at Bay Art 2024 (volunteering = reduced entry price)

If YES please indicate your preferred day (or days if you wish to help more) and whether you would prefer AM (10am - 1pm) or PM (1pm - 4pm)

Setup: Wed 23rd Oct.

Exhibition: Sat 26th Oct - Sun 3rd Nov.

Packdown: Mon 4th Nov.

Bay Art Exhibition Entry Fee:

Conditions of Entry:

  • The competition is only open to current residents of Golden Bay.

  • Entries must be original, completed in the last 12 months and not previously exhibited.

  • There is a limit of one entry per category, per person.

  • All entries must be suitable for a general audience and will be accepted at our discretion.

  • Entries are to be delivered to Te Waka Kura o Mohua Auditorium (GBHS Hall) on Wednesday 23rd October between 1pm and 5.30pm.


Exhibition - Ready Requirements:

  • Work must be supplied finished, dry and in a safe condition for handling.

  • If the work is very large/heavy the artist will need to provide a method of hanging/displaying and complete the installation with the guidance of the lead curator.

  • If your work is an installation, you must contact us no later than one week prior to the entry date.

  • 2D work MUST be provided ready to hang – i.e. with hooks and cord already firmly attached. Work not ready to hang will not be exhibited.

  • On a separate tag clearly write name, title of piece and category. Attach tag to a long piece of string. (Tags are purely for hanging purposes and will be removed for exhibition.)

  • All work MUST be collected at the end of the exhibition on Sunday 3rd November 2024 between 4pm – 5pm. Artists can arrange another person to pick up.

  • Although all reasonable care will be taken Golden Bay Community Arts Council will not be responsible for any loss or damage to art work.

Once you CLICK SUBMIT you will be redirected to the payment page. You will NOT be redirected if you have not complete all the required fields and agreed to the exhibitions terms and conditions.

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