Golden Bay Community Arts Council is delighted to invite artists to register interest in the Spring Artist Residency to be held in the Cobb Valley, Kahurangi National Park from 10th - 14th October 2024.
“The residencies began in 2003 at Onetahua (Farewell Spit) as a collaboration between the Department of Conservation, The Golden Bay Community Arts Council, Manawhenua ki Mohua, and Farewell Spit Tours. In 2013, the Cobb Valley was added as another residency [with] the residencies [alternating] between the two locations [until the last residency at Cobb Reservoir in 2019]." (Source: GBCAC Facebook Post, Jan 2021)

“Both programmes [offered] an important viewpoint on the diversity of Golden Bay as well as some understanding between the human and historic impact on each unique location, in turn raising public awareness of their vulnerability.” (Anita Peters, Stuff Article, 8th April 2015)
Artist Residencies take the form of approx. 10 – 12 artists from a diversity of art forms spending 4 – 5 days in a remote location 'exploring new boundaries' while being inspired by the environment and each other.
“... [historically] work reflects a variety of personal responses to the raw beauty of the landscape with its moods and changing light, colours and sounds, shapes of nature, reflections, and historic and social references.” (Anita Peters, 2015)
"The intent is to give artists an opportunity to retreat from normal life and immerse themselves in creative inspiration amongst the rich biodiversity of our protected ecosystems. The artists give us a glimpse of what they observed and experienced, their deepened connection with the land, through their art.... to bring us all into greater awareness of our precious lands and the importance of our taking care." (Source: GBCAC Facebook Post, Jan 2021)
This intention will remain the focus of the residencies.
The last residency was held in the Cobb Valley in 2019 and the resulting works were exhibited under the title “water | eARTh | power” at Pohara Hall in January 2021.
Historically, residencies have resulted in a collaborative exhibition the following Easter.
In 2014 a number of local artists curated an exhibition featuring 40 of the 60 residency artists, from which 30 pieces were selected and exhibited with the support of MP Damien O'Connor, at Bowen House, Parliament in July of that year.
‘‘The inspiration that comes from the mix of people and unique environment of Golden Bay delivers some wonderful inspiring art from little known but amazing artists. I was very pleased to be able to arrange it for them...’’ - MP Damien O’Connor.
(Source: Charlotte Squire, Nelson Mail, 4th June 2014)
This years residency will take place from Thursday 10th - Monday 14th October, and is open to all Golden Bay and Tasman Region artists. Participants will make their own way to and from the Cobb houses - car pooling is advised. Self-catering accommodation will be in the two Community Workers houses near the dam. The participants are responsible for all their food requirements and personal needs. The cost is $150 per artist which covers the cost of accommodation, venue hire (exhibition), advertising and a minimal administration fee.
Sponsorship is available for limited income attendees - please contact GBCAC for information.
As part of the residency each artist is required to create a body of work for an exhibition, to be held early 2025 (date to be negotiated by attendees and GBCAC). Artists will therefore need to be available during this period. Artists will be responsible for working with the other Cobb Residents to produce the exhibition, together with support from the Arts Council. It is expected that artists will have their works for sale (20% commission on work sold).
The Arts Council will provide the group with help with the exhibition process.
Follow this link to register online:
“I am no artist! Over the years, however, I have occasionally written a poem or two just for myself, and through this, I was privileged to be granted a place. We stayed the first night of the residency at Onetahua Marae in Pohara, and the following four nights at the old lighthouse keeper's house on Farewell Spit ...(in the region) since 1984 we have lived in an old house on 5 acres, just beyond the village of Pakawau in Golden Bay. Within reach of the reassuring blink of the lighthouse, we have raised our family here.” - Jude Zwanikken
(Source: Golden Bay Live Poets Society Newsletter, Feb 2019)
The Lighthouse Collection is a little book of poems which has emerged out of Jude's experience amidst the vastness and solitude of 5 days out on Farewell Spit in 2017.
“The awe inspiring experiences of being under the light at night while it’s powerful beacon shone out into the darkness, sitting at the top of the tower in the pre-dawn light, being marooned at the lighthouse when the tide came in, and being able to stay on when the tourists were required to depart again, were powerful influences...” - Kathy Reilly | Farewell Spit 2009
"It was an excuse to be self indulgent, I usually never find the time. And the deadline really helped me in completing my work." - Malcolm McBride | Cobb Reserve 2014
(Source: Stuff Article, 8th April 2015)